Reinventing the wheel

21 Feb 2019

Why you should use a framework

Reinventing the wheel is never a good idea, you can build a modern and responsive website within a day using a framework such as Semantic UI or you can take weeks or even months building a website using raw HTML and CSS. Imagine assembling a desk, there are different parts that go together and some that don’t. You could be an idiot and not use the manual provided leading you to spend more time assembling the desk or you could use the manual and do it within a few minutes. The same thing can be applied with using frameworks. In the end it gives you the ability to design and build something quickly and easily.

Time Sink

Like anything you do learning something new will take some time. You will have to go through the documentation and it will be a hurdle to get over. This can be daunting for beginners as they will have to learn how the framework interacts with each other and how to implement it. Which is why Semantic UI is the way to go. Semantic UI allows users to quickly learn the framework and begin developing. A framework like bootstrap will require more time to understand as the class names are rather confusing. While I can’t think of many reasons why not to use frameworks, the main one that comes into my mind is that you are restricted to certain themes and styles. This however can be overcome with css but will take some time.

Ending Thoughts

In the end the time you saved using a learning and using a framework will outweigh the time you spent on without using one. Frameworks allows beginners to make progress and veterans to build quickly.